couldn't find the words|couldn't find the word in English

couldn't express himself, was speechless

Use "couldnt find the words|couldnt find the word" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "couldnt find the words|couldnt find the word" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "couldnt find the words|couldnt find the word", or refer to the context using the word "couldnt find the words|couldnt find the word" in the English Dictionary.

1. We couldn't find any rhymes for the word Comportate

2. We couldn't find any rhymes for the word Antiquatedly

3. We couldn't find any anagrams for the word Antiquatedly

4. I couldn't find the handkerchief anywhere.

5. We couldn't find the perfect Calls

6. I couldn't find reverse gear.

7. More on » We couldn't find any rhymes for the word Bougy .

8. I couldn't find the blouse in my size.

9. I couldn't find Basil at the prize-giving.

10. Typically, she couldn't find her keys.

11. United States came in second to last in geographic knowledge. 70 percent of the kids couldn't find Afghanistan or Iraq on a map; 60 percent couldn't find India; 30 percent couldn't find the Pacific Ocean.

12. I couldn't find doc savage or flash

13. We couldn't find any ID on him.

14. Pronouny couldn't find a user with the username Bedrizzle.

15. 2 He couldn't find a way through the bracken.

16. 12 I couldn't find my luggage at the carousel.

17. Gloss: dictionary-book[t], ix look-for particular word, [neg]Cannot find[neg] English equivalent: He couldn't find that word in the dictionary

18. 15 I couldn't find a way through the crush.

19. I couldn't find a parking space near the shops.

20. I couldn't find the off switch on the remote control.

21. I scanned through the booklet but couldn't find the address.

22. 13 We couldn't find a cab anywhere near.

23. The climber couldn't find a hold to climb any higher.

24. It says, " couldn't find the meter, but here's 4 bucks. "

25. What if I couldn't find the grass after 3 days?